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We are a little league team looking to buy new uniforms, Please support our cause as we support the sport and children we love
For every donation you will get a high quality tshirt from our Team
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//$errors = register_new_user($_POST['user_login'], $_POST['user_email']); $errors = wp_create_user( $_POST['user_login'], $_POST['user_password'], $_POST['user_email'] ); if (!is_wp_error($errors)) { //Success $return['result'] = true; $return['redirect']=home_url().'/launch-project/'; $return['message'] = esc_html__('Registration complete.', 'funding'); } else { //Something's wrong $return['result'] = false; $return['error'] = $errors -> get_error_message(); } } echo $this -> json_encode($return); exit(); } }