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Register For A Universi...

Have you ever thought about applying for a foreign university If you are considering the idea for your future,...

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9 Careers For Writers T...

Creativity is something that dwells in mind, if you are looking for it to adopt from anywhere it is more likel...

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Startling Qualities to ...

The quality of a writer is highlighted via many prospective. Especially when spoken, there are two kinds of pe...

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  • 100target
Create an Account to Start a Campaign

//$errors = register_new_user($_POST['user_login'], $_POST['user_email']);
$errors = wp_create_user( $_POST['user_login'], $_POST['user_password'], $_POST['user_email'] );
if (!is_wp_error($errors)) {
$return['result'] = true;
$return['message'] = esc_html__('Registration complete.', 'funding');
} else {
//Something's wrong
$return['result'] = false;
$return['error'] = $errors -> get_error_message();
echo $this -> json_encode($return);
