Sunset Hill Natural Playground

Unfortunately this project hasn't been funded on time!

Porter County Parks is working to build a natural playground at Sunset Hill Farm County Park. This playground will serve as a unique, one of a kind, facility comprised of natural materials and play areas designed to teach children about the history and ecology of the land all while giving them a safe, accessible and most importantly FUN place to play!

If there is one thing we can all agree on it is that quality green, natural spaces, and access to affordable recreation is directly tied to quality of life in our communities. It is our goal at Porter County Parks & Recreation to create the bridge between the community we serve and these spaces through conservation and development. The natural playground project is part of this greater mission to serve the community by creating a fun and safe environment where kids and families can learn, explore and increase physical activity.Students from our 2014 Camp FUNset sessions voted and selected this project as their top priority for improvements at Sunset Hill Farm County Park showing the value it holds within our communities. 

Where kids will see a fantastic new facility where they can play and adventure, we see the beginning of a facility that will bring tremendous value to our community through increased healthy living, economic development and overall improved quality of life.

Donations are welcomed and appreciated at any level. Those outlined at the levels below will receive special recognition!

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raised of $125,000

This project will only be funded if at least $125,000 is raised by August 31, 2017
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//$errors = register_new_user($_POST['user_login'], $_POST['user_email']);
$errors = wp_create_user( $_POST['user_login'], $_POST['user_password'], $_POST['user_email'] );
if (!is_wp_error($errors)) {
$return['result'] = true;
$return['message'] = esc_html__('Registration complete.', 'funding');
} else {
//Something's wrong
$return['result'] = false;
$return['error'] = $errors -> get_error_message();
echo $this -> json_encode($return);
